What started as a specialty has now become mainstream. Natural running, whether done in a minimalist shoe or without any shoes at all, is becoming increasingly popular.
Many runners are opting for a more natural running experience over cushioned support and their first choice is the New Balance Tassie Tiger the best running shoes. While minimalist running has its advantages, it’s critical to make the transition carefully. Here, we debunk four of the most prevalent misconceptions about natural running and offer advice on how to make a smooth transition.
MYTH 1: Less is Always More
This misconception claims that by using less padding, you are giving your feet greater strength. When it comes to foot, though, too little may be just as dangerous as too much. Because each runner’s foot has distinct strengths and limitations, there is no one-size-fits-all degree of stability, protection, and flexibility. It’s critical to locate the proper heel elevation, midsole, cushioning, and stability while looking for the ideal running shoes.
MYTH 2: Midfoot Is Always the Best
This myth has a good heart, but it stems from a one-size-fits-all mindset that the only way to land is on the midfoot, which is based on the assumption that everyone’s bodies are created the same way. When it comes to landing, it’s important to urge your foot to go as effectively as possible during the stride, which may or may not mean landing on your midfoot.
MYTH 3: There is Only One Pair of Miracle Shoes
While wearing a lighter, more natural shoe might be an excellent method to strengthen the entire foot, it’s crucial to do it responsibly. A quick switch from cushioned to minimalist shoes might cause more harm than benefit to a weak arch, muscles, or ligaments. Alternating between your regular running shoe and a more minimal shoe will help you regain all-over foot strength while reducing the chance of injury.
MYTH 4: Cushioning & Support Are Only for Rookies
An unpleasant running experience is never beneficial for your feet or your mind, no matter how frequently you run. Modern running surfaces are hard on the foot, therefore stress absorption is essential. It’s all about finding the appropriate kind of protection – the kind that shields the foot only when it needs to be shielded while allowing it to move freely and free the rest of the time.
MYTH 5: Running Barefoot Reduces Injuries
As a result of Born to Run, barefoot and minimalist shoes have become a new trend among runners who are always willing to try anything new in the hopes of avoiding injury. The idea behind barefoot running is that without the cushioning of a regular shoe, the body naturally falls with the foot under the hip, reducing overstriding and smoothing the landing.
This appears to make sense at first sight. However, in the years that followed, there was a significant increase in the number of runners suffering from shin splints, ankle problems, and a variety of other ailments, indicating that merely decreasing your shoe size isn’t enough to improve your running form.